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4 years ago


4 years ago

This was the best thing I’ve read for quite some time.
You’ve been one of the many blessing which lead me to Catholicism, CT. Thank you.

4 years ago

Look at the racial dynamics in Lord of the Rings for the perfect illustration of this. Dwarfs and Elves are united in a struggle against evil, but that doesn’t mean that Dwarfs are going to move into Elf territory and adopt Elf culture! The Christian ideal is to have both harmony and distinction in the same way that the Trinity has both harmony and distinction.

a b
a b
4 years ago

THANK YOU for this, friend. I expect this will be cited extensively by many for a long time.

N j
N j
4 years ago

“The value or right of conserving the vigor of the race and the purity of its blood within the limits of the moral order”, as well as ”the cultivation of a balanced love of one’s race as among the many good things of creation with its proper place in the hierarchy of values.” These few lines combined with the Citizens Council case in New Orleans is confusing. It seems a contradiction that at once one has the right to conserve their race and it’s even “licit for a person to lay down their life for the conservation of their race”.… Read more »

Jared Yates
Jared Yates
3 years ago
Reply to  N j

Race is an objective good that is relative to humanity, which can only find its true fulfillment and true nature in God, who allowed all races, yet calls all races to himself, as they are all human. This is obvious to anyone who will base their world view on objective reality; Humanity is the primary cause, race is the secondary cause, the order is essential to the natural law. So “such papal condemnations nevertheless presuppose an intrinsic value to race as such which is along with all social values that are good in themselves susceptible to an idolatrous elevation.” God… Read more »

Tango Mike
Tango Mike
4 years ago

Where, exactly, do you get the following?

spiritual unity that binds all mankind in the Mystical Body of Christ in which there is “neither Jew nor Greek”

(bold mine)

Heresy check, please.

Last edited 4 years ago by Tango Mike
4 years ago

We all flock with those similar to us. Ecclesiasticus 13.

4 years ago

Does anyone know where to find a copy of Hinwood’s book, PDF or otherwise?

4 years ago

It amazes me looking at this article and a recent article by Dr. Feser on his blog on patriotism and reading the comment section, that no one, no one, ever quotes from the Bible. I find that amazing. For in LXX Psalm 85, it says “…all the nation whom thou hast created”. Clearly God create Nations—so we belong to a particular nation! And then Not one article in Catholicism talks of Jewish Messianism which teaches the rebuilding of the Tower of Babel! Here is my own dissertation on this from the Bible to the Natural Law and then emergence of… Read more »

4 years ago

Well, I didn’t do enough research nor pay attention. In the article I linked above, “The Tower of Babel…”, I pointed out the Masonic ideology of Babelism in Pope Pius XII’s “Summa Pontificatus”—-I didn’t even read the subtitles. The subtitle of the encyclical is “The Unity of Human Society”!!!! Not only that, that term was borrowed from an unfinished, unpublished encyclical commissioned by Pope Pius XI. That pope is not only in heresy but an apostate and with further research come to find out Pope Benedict XV, also is a heretic and an apostate. His Pacem Dei Munus Pulcherrimum is… Read more »

Jared Yates
Jared Yates
3 years ago

Even though you are correct on the righteousness of Pope Pius X and the others this doesn’t mean that the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is only a political organization who’s authority is usurped by its pastor’s errors, whatever the nature of those errors is. Sedevecantism is modernism, and so is the position of opposition which the SSPX takes in “opposing Rome” from a position outside the Church. It would be ecumenical to concede to an organization which defines themselves as outside the Church. Orthodoxy is only complete when it acts as the salt (Mat 5:13) of the Church,… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Jared Yates
4 years ago

The recent encyclical by Pope Francis, “Fratelli Tutti”—-is just a play of words of the Masonic “Brotherhood of Man”. The Magesterium is completely gone amongst the clergy. Humanism has moved into the Catholic Church as well. Christianity is not Humanism. God is not a Humanist. Why did He command the genocide of the Canaanites? He sanctioned slavery both indentured and chattel. Jesus did NOT heal the Syro-Phonecian woman when she called out; she had to beat him in a game of wits. The Bible is not Humanism. This “Dignity of Man” crap is from the Jews which is used to… Read more »

Jared Yates
Jared Yates
3 years ago

The Pope’s encyclicals are theological not political, unless they highlight errors in political or secular society by directly referring to those groups or ideas then they are not enacting teachings that either confirm or deny those groups as in line with church teaching. The Pope’s opinion is not the teaching of the church.

Jared Yates
Jared Yates
3 years ago

As a convert from protestantism, this sedevecantism is ridiculous. The Catholic Church containing the Sacraments and the tradition which sedevecantists so adore (or think they do) is only found under the Pope and his Bishops. Rejecting a clear line of dogma and the authorities who make that dogma have a body in reality, and then saying “I have the Truth according to that same authoritative body up until some arbitrary point” is utter stupidity. Sedevecantism is acting like Judas, so close to Jesus in practice, yet betraying Him in His bride the Church with a kiss. The fact that Peter… Read more »

Moritori te salutatum
Moritori te salutatum
4 years ago

This is the proper answer to the race question. Funny how often the middle ground is the most correct one on many issues.

pache mamba
pache mamba
3 years ago
