Our monthly or (( frequent )) contributors. We’ve linked some of their other projects that also align with our worldview and the ideas we want to share.
Fasial Marzipan – Faisal Marzipan (the Lebanotarian) is a serial entrepreneur in the biotech field and the founder and director of the Clairmont Integralist Institute, a na’an profit prestigious think tank of great influence & clout with the goal of renewing the third Punic War with CRISPR-generated, armor-plated megafauna. In his spare time, he writes position papers and intellectual book reviews. His hobbies are roasting eggplant and providing grocery deliveries. All inquiries can be directed to his Twitter @CypressRevival.
WesternMan – Western Man is the founder of MiddleEarth Magazine. He is a Catholic Reactionary, Integralist, and a prospecting Monarchist. You can follow him on Twitter.
David Van Vranken – David works as a QA/QC Inspector for Vaughn Construction out of Houston, Texas. He also serves as a Company Commander in the Army Reserves. David has previously published at Entropy Mag and Every Day Fiction.
Levi A Russell, PhD – Founder and Fellow of the Leonine Institute for Catholic Social Teaching. He is also the host of the weekly Catholic Economics podcast.
TradPatrick – Patrick is the host of the TradCathShow on Youtube. A new source for all the issues of the day. Book reviews, interviews, and more all from a Catholic perspective. His show explores Catholic history, art, literature, family, and tradition. He is a former seminarian who has studied theology at length and look at the world through Catholic Social Teaching.
Lawrence of Appalachia – Lawrence of Appalachia is an amateur political philosopher, writer, and dissident, currently residing and rabble-rousing in Houston. HIs other interests include Southern revivalism, leatherwork, and Catholic radicalism. You can find him on Twitter @mythanthrope.
Rían Eòsaph Calumcille – Rían Calcumcille is a traditional Catholic who converted to the One True Faith in 2012. He is a husband and father, cantor for his parish, and has been an active duty member of the military for over twelve years. Feel free to contact him via his instagram @CatholicUfoNetwork or twitter @RCalumcille.
Lycurgus of Sion – Lycurgus preaches Roman Supremacy in the Southern United States, where he imagines himself a Texian Diogenes, grumbling from his crippled barrel that his proficiency, unrecognized by the modern world, is in ruling men. He has mostly taught for a living, sadly having read more than the bible, expounding on the political theories of better times and hoping one of his students finally understands that, yes, he is quite serious about What Must Be Done