Ave Christus Rex! I can think of no better way to start my first post and commemorate the new Middle Earth Magazine than Hailing Christ as King and entrusting this humble online magazine to his Sacred Heart.
Who am I?
I’m probably like many of you though possibly a little older; I hope and trust you will forgive me if I have moments of quixotic boomerism that flavor my “not old enough for Gen-X but too old to make a proper Millennial” writing style. I’m a Catholic: traditional? yes. Liberal? maybe on a few things. In 100% submission to the Magisterium and the current Pontifex Maximus in Rome? Always. I’m a husband, I’m a father, I’m a business owner and I’m an arm chair philosopher and enjoyer of fringe Right Wing theory and esoterica. I’m also an American, but I put that last as the nationality hardly means anything any more. Do I love my country? Yes. Would I fight for my country? Yes with a caveat. What I really love is the American Nation, the family of families that this nation used to be: homogenous in culture and united in solidarity against Marxism and other demonic trojan horses that do not create; that seek only to destroy so to create a void where evil and degeneracy can flourish.
Why did I buy Middle Earth Magazine?
I have labored for years unburdening my pent up frustrations and musings upon various discussion boards and chatrooms before finally plucking up the courage to try and form a Mannerbund of liked minded individuals. In this mannerbund we discuss religion, philosophy, parenthood, married-life, combat sports and even fight each other every now and again. They have encouraged me for years to put my thoughts out into the infinite, but I didn’t feel comfortable doing so on someone else’s site; so when the opportunity came up to purchase MEM it was a no-brainer.
What is Middle Earth Magazine going to look like?
CONTENT is my #1 goal; any fellow grug-brained retards (I say this lovingly) who has wanted to have their ramblings show up on the internet feel free to submit, if it’s terrible I won’t post it. If it has any redeeming qualities; I might. We are going to work towards having weekly articles on the intersection of politics, society, and religion; book/movie reviews; schizo-conspiracy theories, and even profound revisionist histories (which if not profound will be recategorized into schizo conspiracy theories). Middle Earth Magazine needs to be edifying, thought provoking, and entertaining; although not necessarily in that order. It’s main reason is to provide a form of catharsis for myself as I cast a net out into the ether to tap into the groundswell of the educated religious dissident right and curate their thoughts and feelings.
What I don’t want is a link-riddled thesis defense. Modern Education has deluded its students into thinking the person who has the most links in a discussion wins. I don’t care how well you can cut and paste excerpts from Wikipedia. I don’t care what Chesterton, Belloc, Marx, De Maistre, Coughlin or Yockey said; tell me what they meant in YOUR words. This makes me an unreliable narrator; 95% of what I write on here is going to be fired onto the page with very little editing or revision. If you read something I say that sounds suspect; write a rebuttal, email me and tell me I’m an idiot; maybe I’ll even publish your rebuttal as an article; but for heaven’s sake please don’t take anything anyone says without a massive dose of salt. My punctuation is going to be terrible; I’m really not certain when to use a semi-colon or a colon; commas can just kind of go anywhere. Cormac McCarthy was the best thing to happen to western writing and in his vein I’m going to write how I want to and punctuate how I want to; I majored in Engineering and Business; not English.
And with that, I am introduced. I hope we can make this a great source of curated content for the subculture brimming just below the surface of the mainstream media coverage. Send me your articles, send me your emails, send me memes; don’t send me anything degenerate. Most of all don’t send me monies or buy me any coffees. If you see something you like on here, tell us. If you feel like giving money; do so to a Catholic Charity and pray for us; our reward will hopefully be great in heaven.

I will end all my posts with a prayer, and for this first post would like to petition St.Michael the Archangel’s protection on all men of good will and their families.
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.
Based! Can’t wait.